Production of salt

Production of salt for centuries was the principal economic activity of the inhabitants from which they brought wealth, but also problems. Because of salt wars were often , but also, and mainly because of her they well-lived. Salt is called white gold and was a strategic product, without which the life was unthinkable. The tradition of salt most likely originates from the time of the first settlement in these areas. In the history the salt produced exclusively in pools of salt and preparing the souse (more high salinity). The traditional way of producing salt by evaporating natural abandoned 25 years ago when at the area Svilno, 5 km south of City Pag was built salt factory. Today, the “Solana Pag” along with its Soline (silty pools) covers an area of over 2 million m4, and along with magazines (storage) and the factory production, the largest manufacturing plant in Croatia. Annually produces about 30 000 tons of salt, but this amount is not maximum, for it could produce more than that.

